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Brsibane 2032

RADIO - ABC Radio, announcement of the Paralympic Centre

Tuesday, March 21, 2023
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Brisbane 2032
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It caught me off guard, but they were fair questions by Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC) #GoldCoast Drive host Julie Clift, including what were my thoughts on the fire exit stairs in the new Paralympic Centre of Excellence at the University of Queensland, and was the 2032 Brisbane Olympic and Paralympic Legacy forum more then a feel good with big ideas set to fizzle? We also got to touch on lighter topics including ideas for the Games Mascot.

The legacy forum included up to 500 delegates to think big on how QLD can leverage the Paralympics and Olympics to achieve our goals and aspirations for a greater, more sustainable and equitable state.

Listen here for the full interview:

Photo description: Image of Brisbane 2032 Think Big in the Soundcloud link: Kurt Fearnley AO sitting on the stage at the QLD Legacy Forum giving a speech to close off the day's forum.

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