It’s happening. Today’s official launch of QLD’s first ever trulyinclusive para-sport Clubhouse, located in the heart of Brisbane demonstratesthe progress we are making.
Today’s launch was an example of how collectively we can deliverand we can ensure everyone in our community has the opportunity to access andbe engaged in meaningful employment, social and sport opportunities.
Congratulations to CEO Amanda Mather, the Board of SportingWheelies QLD including Chair Michael Dobbie-Bridges and to Minister Hon. StirlingHinchliffe for the advocacy, service and investment to this outstanding facility.
Thank you to Sporting Wheelies Gamechanger John Catania forhosting the panel discussion with myself, Josh Nicholson, a member of theAustralian Wheelchair Rugby team and current world champion, and the awesomeOllie Fanshawe, an aspiring Paralympian who has already represented Australiain Goalball